Shaping a healthy, sustainable, and social food system: A scenario analysis
As part of the GLOHRA Academy Series IAG member Benjamin Bodirsky will give an online presentation on Shaping a healthy, sustainable, and social food system: A scenario analysis on March 4 at 4 pm.
Further information on the presentation, participation and registration can be found via this link:
Die Ernährung der Zukunft: Gesund und nachhaltig – geht das zusammen? (The diet of the future: healthy and sustainable - can they go together?)
As part of a three-part Academy Lecture on April 15, 2025, Ute Mons (IAG member, German Cancer Research Center Heidelberg) and Tilman Grune (IAG member, German Institute of Human Nutrition Potsdam-Rehbrücke), moderated by Constanze Bickelmann (BBAW), will discuss how the nutritional turnaround and successful disease prevention can be promoted while at the same time protecting our environment. With a welcoming address by Academy President Christoph Markschies and an introduction by IAG spokesperson Ralph Bock.
The conversation will be held in German.
More information about the event, the series and registration
More information will follow soon.