In The Junge Akademie's debate contribution "'Bridging the Gap': How scientific advice for environmental policy can succeed", Linus Mattauch, Hermine Mitter, Leona Tenkhoff and Leonie Wenz explore the questions of the extent to which environmental policy reforms are guided by scientific findings, when research results are actually taken into account in the political process and what measures young researchers in particular can take to increase the visibility of their own work in the political arena.

Click here for the debate contribution.


Finissage of the exhibition "Von der Krafft und Würckung: Pflanzen als Nahrungs- und Heilmittel in Hieronymus Bock's 'Kreütter Buch' (1539) neu gelesen"

On Tuesday, July 16, 2024, the finissage of the exhibition "Von der Krafft und Würckung: Pflanzen als Nahrungs- und Heilmittel in Hieronymus Bock's 'Kreütter Buch' (1539) neu gelesen" took place in the Einstein-Saal of the Berlin-Brandenburg Academy of Sciences and Humanities from 6 to 9 pm.

After a welcoming address by the President of the Academy, Christoph Markschies, IAG member Philip van der Eijk provided insights into ancient knowledge about plants and their effects on human health. IAG spokesperson Ralph Bock gave a lecture on the similarities and differences in plant research in the 16th century and today. At the end, Ralph Bock offered visitors a chance to take a look at an orginal 'Kreütter Buch' from the 16th century and guided a tour through the exhibition.

Online version of the exhibition


„Von der Krafft und Würckung“: Pflanzen als Nahrungs- und Heilmittel in Hieronymus Bocks „Kreütter Buch“ (1539) neu gelesen"

What view did doctors and plant researchers have of various plant species in the 16th century and how should the knowledge of that time be evaluated in the context of today's research?
The exhibition of the IAG Nutrition, Health, Prevention in cooperation with the Max Planck Institute of Molecular Plant Physiology deals with these questions and can be visited in the staircase of the BBAW in Jägerstraße 22/23 (ground floor to 3rd floor) between January 20 and July 31, 2024. You can also find an online version of the exhibition on this website here.

Details on the exhibition on the BBAW website

Exhibition flyer for online viewing and download

JUNE 2024: „Denkanstöße aus der Akademie" 17

Contributions from members of the Berlin-Brandenburg Academy of Sciences and Humanities and other experts have been published on the topic of  "The Future of Care" („Zukunft der Pflege"). The editors are Annette Grüters-Kieslich (member of the IAG Nutrition, Health, Prevention), Angelika C. Messner, Andreas Radbruch and Roman Marek. In addition to the chapter "Recommendations: Proposed solutions for the future of nursing care" ("Empfehlungen: Lösungsvorschläge für die Zukunft der Pflege"), which she co-authored with Angelika C. Messner, Annette Grüters-Kieslich reflects on "Pediatric nursing care in Germany" ("Kinderkrankenpflege in Deutschland") in another chapter, in which she makes a "plea for a timely innovation push" ("Plädoyer für einen zeitnahen Innovationsschub").

Download Denkanstöße 17


Annual symposium of the German Alliance for Global Health Research

The fourth annual symposium, GLOHRA Day 2024, took place on Friday, 28 June 2024 in Berlin. The event featured the General Assembly, presentations from GLOHRA funded project teams and lots of networking opportunities for researchers in global health. The intention is to facilitate exchange and knowledge sharing on the research and policy that is interesting for global health research.

Together with Dr. Sören Ocvirk and Dr. Britta Rutert, the scientific coordinator of the IAG Nutrition, Health, Prevention (IAG Ernährung, Gesundheit, Prävention), Dr. Constanze Bickelmann, lead an interactive discussion on the topic of "Nutrition for women's health" as part of the "Ask the Community" format.

GLOHRA DAY 2024 - Preliminary Program  


At  Leibniz Day on June 15th, 2024, in addition to the main program, there was space for BBAW-projects and -initiatives to present themselves and their research.

Visitors were invited to talk to
Dr. Annette von Stockhausen, the head of the Academy's research project
"Die alexandrinische und antiochenische Bibelexegese in der Spätantike" and
Dr. Constanze Bickelmann, the scientific coordinator of the IAG Nutrition, Health, Prevention, and to find out about the work of the two research projects.


„Prävention neu denken! Brauchen wir eine nationale Initiative für Prävention?"
"Rethinking prevention! Do we need a national initiative for prevention?")

On May 23, 2024, the Wissenschaftsrat(Science Council) hosted a symposium on prevention in Berlin, in which the Fellow Andreas Diefenbach also participated as a microbiome expert.

More information on the symposium and program

SPRING 2024: Competition „Gemeinsam ESS-Kulturen erleben"

BAGSO was looking for meal services for migrant elders

The BAGSO-Bundesarbeitsgemeinschaft der Seniorenorganisationen e.V. was looking for good examples of communal meal offers that are aimed at older people with and without a migration background or are offered specifically for older migrants until 29 April 2024. The focus was on tasty and healthy meals. The competition took place as part of the "Im Alter IN FORM" project in cooperation with the Deutschen Gesellschaft für Ernährungand the Deutschen Städte- und Gemeindebund.

More information about the competition


The Salon 2024 with the motto "Time" („Zeit“) took place on January 20th, between 6 and 12 pm at BBAW.

As part of the Salon, the exhibition die exhibition (Ausstellung) „Von der Krafft und Würckung": Pflanzen als Nahrungs- und Heilmittel in Hieronymus Bocks ‚Kreütter Buch' (1539) neu gelesen by the IAG Nutrition, Health, Prevention in cooperation with the Max Planck Institute of Molecular Plant Physiology has opened.

After an introduction to the exhibition by IAG spokesperson Ralph Bock, IAG member Philip van der Eijk joined Annette Heinrich (classical philologist, Einstein Center Chronoi) and Giouli Korobili (classical philologist, Einstein Center Chronoi) to discuss "Time and the human body: medical and philosophical perspectives from antiquity to the early modern period" („Zeit und der menschliche Körper: Medizinische und philosophische Perspektiven von der Antike bis in die frühe Neuzeit"). This was followed by further lectures by IAG members Harald von Witzke ("Changing times in nutrition and agriculture: A brief history of hunger" - „Zeitenwenden in Ernährung und Landwirtschaft: Eine kurze Geschichte des Hungers") and Annette Grüters-Kieslich ("Is the time of the obesity pandemic over?" - „Ist die Zeit der Adipositas-Pandemie vorbei?").

Program by the IAG Nutrition, Health, Prevention

Post about the IAG program on Instagram


During Berlin Science Week, IAG member Benjamin Bodirsky (Potsdam Institute for Climate Impact Research (PIK), Germany) was part of a discussion on how politics can shape the future of our nutrition in a healthy and sustainable way with Renate Künast MdB (Bündnis 90/Die Grünen, former Federal Minister), Oliver Vogt MdB (CDU/CSU parliamentary group), Walter Willett (Harvard T.H. Chan School of Public Health, USA) and Laura M. König (University of Vienna, Austria).

More detailed information


On October 30th, 2023, Annette Grüters-Kieslich (Fellow and member of the IAG, Charité -Universitätsmedizin Berlin), Ralph Hertwig (Fellow, Director at the Max Planck Institute for Human Development) and Johanna Wolff (Professor and Chair of Public Law at the Institute for Constitutional, Administrative and Commercial Law at the University of Osnabrück) discussed the question: "Darf oder sollte der Staat sich in unsere Ernährung einmischen?".

Further information and registration link


As part of an online event organized by Die Junge Akademie, Jutta Rosen, Hermine Mitter, Lukas Fesenfeld and Linus Mattauch discussed the topics of climate protection and the future of nutrition in Europe via Zoom.

More detailed information about the project


"Nutrition in Global Health Research"

On October 14, 2023, a non-public workshop on the special role of nutrition in the field of Global Health Research was held at BBAW. The kickoff workshop, organized by Dr. Sören Ocvirk, Dr. Constanze Bickelmann and Dr. Esther Evang and funded by the German Alliance for Global Health Research (GLOHRA), aimed to connect scientists from different disciplines and to support young researchers.

Details and program


Following the celebrations of Leibniztag 2023, the Berlin-Brandenburg Academy of Sciences and Humanities participated in the Long Night of Science (Lange N8 der Wissenschaften) on June 17th.

IAG member Andreas Diefenbach held a lecture on the topic "We are what we eat: On the connection between nutrition, microbiome and activation of the immune system" at 7 pm in the Einstein-Saal.


On the evening of May 24th, 2023, the Berlin Medical Society and the Virchow Foundation for Global Health hosted a symposium on the topic:

"From the Berlin School of Medicine to Global Health, a brand core of European Policy".

When: 5/24/2023, from 6 to 9:30 p.m.
Where: Langenbeck-Virchow-Haus, Berlin



In congruence with the annual theme 23|24 "Project: Enlightenment!", the theme of the Salon 2023 was"Enlightenment 2.0".

The program of the Salon, as well as the entire annual theme of the BBAW, refered to the 300th birthday of Academy member Immanuel Kant on April 22, 2024: The annual theme will focus on Kant's philosophy, his biography and his professional achievements. Moreover,  "Enlightenment" will be examined from a historical and current perspective, as an epoch and a project, in the most interdisciplinary way. The Salon was primarily concerned with current perspectives.

The IAG Nutrition, Health, Prevention was represented at Salon Sophie Charlotte by some of its members in a panel discussion on 'the future of our diet', as well as in open conversation around the topics of nutrition and food.

Detailed information


Prof. Dr. Martin Korte: "Kann man sich klug essen?"

At the beginning of every month, the Mittagssalon of the Berlin-Brandenburg Academy of Sciences and Humanities presents personalities and topics from the Academy: current & informative, entertaining & surprising, digestible & tasty. We wish you good entertainment and Bon Appétit!